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janice@gzweierhaina.com 020-3770-5859

Technical Support

Android 11 Update for Android TV Customised for Large Screen


The Android 11 update for the large screen introduces support for auto low latency mode and low latency media decoding intended to aid gamers. The auto low latency mode is said to make gaming on TV “even smoother” with the Android TV disabling post-processing to minimize latency whenever a gaming application is shown full screen.

Crucially, it was also said that the update also delivers extended gamepad support, silent boot mode for system updates, and inactivity prompts along with OEM configurable wake keys.



Contact: Janice

Phone: 020-3770-5859

E-mail: janice@gzweierhaina.com


Add: Shengli Technology Park, Huacheng Street, Huadu District, Guangzhou, China